Saturday, April 28, 2012

Whoever put 600000 items into my nether, FUCK YOU.

Yeah. Thats why risecraft didn't work. Fuck.


  1. yep it was items. i removed them all and backdated the nether.

    Its back up right now dallas :)

  2. D: I REALLY miss this server! I've been trying so hard to find another server like this and I havn't found one yet! PLEASE bring this back up!

  3. I have found one similar to Risecraft. At the current time it is on a temporary map, but there is constant conversation between the people on the server just like there was on risecraft. I don't have the IP handy, but if you go to and search 'Creepopolis' you will find it. The owner of the server's IGN is TheSplodeZone. This will help avoid confusion in finding it on PMC

  4. This is the first thing that comes up when i type "r" in the address bar :(

  5. now the server im currently playing on is closing :c
